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You have to take some recurrent medicines and you don't know how to remember it? We don't just think about who we have to take medicines for life, but also to those who perhaps have to do one antibiotic treatment or anyway temporary. RxDroid it could be the app you were looking for.

As remember to take your medicines? Especially if you have to take more than one, set continuous timers on your cell phone it can be complicated and nerve-wracking. With RxDroid instead you can organize all the medicines you need with extreme ease. As always our proposals in the section FOSS, the permissions of this app they are reduced to the bone. It does not contain any kind of Trackers, there are no advertisements and it clearly is Open source!

RxDroid helps you not to run out of stock

Among the various options you will find, there is the possibility of setting the number of pads present And How many does the box contain?. This way you will also come alerted with a notification when they're about to run out, so you don't risk running out of them!

For each tablet inserted you can set thedifferent icon (for example if it is a tablet, of a syringe or a inhaler). If it's not a pill that you have to take for life, you can also make it stop automatically after a few days or weeks.

Persistent notifications

Another very interesting option are the persistent notifications. To eliminate them you will have to explicitly tell him that you took the medicine. Otherwise it is possible to do repeat the notification every 15 minutes (but not only that, also every half hour or after an hour) so as to be sure to 100% don't forget it! This option is very useful for example if you do not see the first notification. RxDroid he will insist until you tell him clearly “Hey! I took it!”.

You can also set different times, divided into four categories: Morning Afternoon Evening Night. You can decide what the start and end of each time is for each category. In short, it is truly a complete application! We know well that they exist other apps on the Play Store which do the same things, but as often happens contain Trackers, advertising and otherwise. For this reason when there is an option Open source and without tracers we always prefer it!

What do you think? Will you use it or suggest it to someone who is forced to take the tablets daily to be able to organize ourselves better?

RxDroid Download

If you are interested in other applications Open source and you can find them all free in our section FOSS.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives