Rolly and the Flower

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Rolly and the Flower

Warning: This post was created 3 months does

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Today we offer you a new game developed by Nathan Istace which we have spoken about several times, for example with Tubizo and the Dark Detrimental Wizard of Chaos, The Typist's Quest And The Greedy Pirates! Today's one, Rolly and the Flower, is a very nice 2D platformer where the aim of the game is to save a plant.

There won't be much to tell about this game but we'll reveal the plot to you present on the official website and translated by us: Rolly the robot has fallen in love with a beautiful flower. He would like to take itto in his garden and take care of it for eternity. But the path he will have to face is full of dangers, certainly not for a robot but for a creature as fragile as a flower. Take care of her!

Rolly and the Flower

The aim is therefore to cross different levels bringing the flower to safety. To do this you can use the keyboard with the keys TO And D you can move left and right. With the SPACE you will throw the flower up to be able to overcome some obstacles. Please note though, if the flower touches the ground it will unfortunately die so when you throw it in the air you should be able to catch it. If you are stuck you can press the button R to repeat the level.

So that's it, there's not much else to add other than have a good game and let us know if you manage to pass all the levels and bring the flower home. The game, we warn you, is not long. But he's nice and we're sure he'll make you spend a few minutes trying to solve the little puzzles.

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By skariko

Author and administrator of the web project The Alternatives