Christmas scam: hackers against NoiPA, salaries and wages stolen from public employees

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There are no official numbers, but there is confirmation. And that's enough to raise a very serious alarm. According to sources close to the Postal Police, in fact, the NoiPA portal was hit by a cyber attack which allowed hackers to steal the salaries and wages of some users.

Cyberterrorism, the risk of attacks shifts to trains

Radical servers

With air traffic made relatively safe thanks to innovative technologies and new control procedures, the danger of large-scale terrorist attacks risks transferring to trains. And it is still a burning risk, more than fifteen years after the Madrid massacre of 11 March 2004 when ten bombs exploded in four... Continue reading Cyberterrorismo, il rischio attentati si sposta sui treni

Let's stop giving away our personal data

Radical servers

When we talk about the surveillance of personal data we think first of all of China, which pushed the use of technology by law enforcement agencies to extremes, or of Edward Snowden, who revealed the extent of the interference of the United States services . rummaged through its subscribers' emails a little too much – the service for canceling subscriptions to various newsletters from a single page – has closed a dispute with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the United States government agency which among other things deals with privacy, for the removal of a large amount of personal data collected from its users to… Continue reading rovistava un po’ troppo nelle email dei suoi iscritti

This is why it's not a good idea to keep Alexa in the bedroom


You have to be careful when you bring a device equipped with a microphone into your home, because it doesn't necessarily turn off when we decide. Hannah Fry, a mathematician at London College, used the Royal Institution's major Christmas conference to urge everyone not to keep voice assistants like Alexa in their bedroom... Continue reading Ecco perché non conviene tenere Alexa nella camera da letto

There is a security flaw in the latest generation Intel processors


Yet another vulnerability problem that comes to light in this nefarious 2019 in terms of cybersecurity. The protagonists in this case are some latest generation Intel processors which may be subject to a bug which exposes the entire system to potential attacks by malicious actors. Several chip manufacturers allow users to manually adjust… Continue reading C’è una falla di sicurezza nei processori Intel di ultima generazione

In 2019, 174 cities around the world were attacked by ransomware

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In May it was Baltimore's turn. A ransomware attack shut down the city's computer systems in moments, keeping them frozen for weeks and causing millions of dollars in damage. But the Maryland city is not alone. According to security experts from Kaspersky, a Russian cybersecurity company, at least 174 cities were attacked in 2019, involving over… Continue reading Nel 2019 174 città nel mondo sono state attaccate da ransomware

Gambling, thousands of profiles hacked. The rules for defending yourself

Radical servers

They allegedly hacked the profiles of thousands of online gambling players. Two online gaming dealers, writes Ansa, have ended up at the center of an investigation by the Turin financial police, which is carrying out searches throughout Italy. Dozens of betting shops are involved in the operation; three people reported for unauthorized access... Continue reading Gioco d’azzardo, violati migliaia di profili. Le regole per difendersi

The cookie war dividing Europe

Radical servers

If the highway code had been written in the era of horse-drawn carriages and carriages, we would all feel the urgency of updating it to modern-day traffic, made up of cars, vans, motorbikes and mopeds. And the same, metaphorically aside, is happening with the European Union rules for the protection of electronic communications. The directive today in… Continue reading La guerra dei cookie che divide l’Europa

Google manipulates its algorithms more than we think

Google manipulates its algorithms more than we think

A long investigation by the Wall Street Journal tells how in the most used search engine in the world there are increasingly more manual interventions to organize the results. It is estimated that around 63 thousand searches are carried out on Google every second. The precision of the results offered and the convenience with which you can find practically anything… Continue reading Google manipola i suoi algoritmi più di quanto crediamo

Exodus, the business behind the state malware that spied on Italians

Alternatives to Google Chrome

Venduto a procure e servizi segreti, è stato usato per spiare centinaia di cittadini italiani. Ma perché nessuno ha controllato chi lo sviluppava? E perché i dati finivano su un server in Oregon? L’inchiesta. A Cosenza c’è un poliziotto sui generis: Vito Tignanelli. Se da una parte la sua carriera include esperienze di punta nell’antimafia,… Continue reading Exodus, gli affari dietro il malware di Stato che spiava gli italiani

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Australia wants to use facial recognition to watch porn [EN]

Australia and porn

The UK might have ditched plans for an age filter on online porn, but Australia is going all-in with a new proposal that could require internet users to verify their identity in a face-matching database before viewing pornography. The proposal comes as Australian lawmakers consider new restrictions around age verification for online porn and gambling… Continue reading L’Australia vuole usare il riconoscimento facciale per guardare i porno [EN]